Get Unstuck
You don’t have to keep feeling knotted up, stagnant, and tense. You don’t have to accept the aches and physical restrictions that keep you feeling stuck. …
You don’t have to keep feeling knotted up, stagnant, and tense. You don’t have to accept the aches and physical restrictions that keep you feeling stuck. …
Here we go….AGAIN. In the words of Samuel L. Jackson in Jurassic Park, “Hold on to your butts.” We were warned that things were going…
I looooove craft fairs! I get such a thrill planning which craft fairs I’m going to and the inspired boost I get from seeing all…
This time of year is notoriously toxic with messages about eating and exercising. I cringe when I hear people make jokes about working off their…
And a powerful one at that.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I’ve been a humble witness to the way Joanna (a founding member of Bliss Fitness!) makes connections between her fitness…
This tip for establishing a routine is so EASY and effective Raise your hand if you’ve ever found yourself saying these things: “I want to…
Lately, it feels like every direction we turn we’re faced with BIG challenges. We’re being asked to endure SO MUCH just to preserve our health and…
“I’ll just bookmark this workout for later….” *Weeks pass* “Why can’t I get motivated to do these workouts on my own!? What’s wrong with me?…
I’m not entirely *against* sitting….I just don’t like how much of my time is spent in a chair or on the couch these days! I…
Nothing makes us feel quite as good as getting cute messages and responses from our clients. Messages like this are important for us to know…